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rugbyjockca's Recent Entries

Day 170

by rugbyjockca

Okay, so first, major props to the guys who've been doing their own jock journals. Keeping track and writing down your progress is essential.

I haven't been great about posting here, but otherwise I've been doing well. Hitting the gym pretty regularly: I missed a week, due to the flu, but it was at a scheduled break anyway, so it was fine. Rugby practices have started up again, which is awesome. Of course, once the games start (this weekend, actually), I'll have to factor injuries into my training, but that's the sport, and I have no plans of changing my alias.

I'm still using Body Builder Machine, but haven't been every night. I HAVE been using some flash files on a private site a lot, though, and while I don't want to talk much about them here, I'm finding them very effective...but I guarantee they aren't for everybody.

As spring evolves, I feel like I'll be evolving, too. I usually find winter to be hard, and yet this time around, I made working out a priority. If I keep it up over the summer, I'll have to deem this experiment a success. Then, for science's sake, I suppose I'll run it again the next year...and then the next year...the thought of what five years, ten years of this could do to me...it makes me hard to think about it...


- rugbyjockca

Hey teen, yeah from the same site. I`m loving 'em.

- TeenWolf

Were they the 'flashers' I showed you? I too found them more effective.Perhaps more effective than these WMM files.

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