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SecretScribe's Recent Entries

The First Stumble

by SecretScribe

I have done two things. 1)Discovered that people have commented on my journals. Thanks for the kind words and advice! I'm still surprised to discover that someone is reading this. 2)Stumbled into stupid. Rushing into any sort of situation is a rather disagreeable act, regardless of the circumstances. I happened to stumble upon an overeager young hypnotist who had a thing for shoes. I have been raised to be polite, and sometimes (more than I care to admit) I allow that to override my discomfort. So, when this excited aspiring (He claimed that he had much experience) hypnotist ignored my excuses and pushed for a short session, I erred on the side of being polite, and agreed. I expected possibly a short induction, or something silly of that nature, just to allow me to see how we worked together, but that's not what he had in mind. While I have nothing against people who enjoy it, smelling my heels does nothing for me, and that was only one thing I was asked to do. I cannot say for sure why I went as far as I did. It wasn't a trance, I am sure of that. Eventually I made some excuse about someone at the door and logged off. I cannot say that I did not expect to have at least one extremely uncomfortable encounter. Even with the kind warnings of others, I know myself too well. Hopefully, this will be either the last, or one of only a few. All I can do is shudder every now and then at the memory, and strive to avoid such an encounter in the future. The only downside is that it has made me fearful of exploring further. Logically, I know that not everyone on the internet will be the same way. Sure, there are a lot of jerks and creeps in the world, but that doesn't mean everyone is one. Even so, I find myself wondering and slightly afraid. Well, "slightly" would be a mild understatement. Hopefully, this shall pass with time. Until then...who knows? Hasta luego, SecretScribe


- xavious

We've all been there. Some people take "hypnosis" as "rp" or "pretend for five minutes then ask me to take my clothes off". I've had an older guy who tried to get me to do the latter. You are always going to find people like this. I myself have my weaknesses as a tist and I have strived to better myself over time. Oddly enough most of the subs I've worked with didn't seem to mind and tell me that I'm nice; crazy people. As I said: establish what you want first and set boundaries. Don't feel pressurised into doing what you don't want to do.

- TammyToy

The ones who ignore your excuses and push for a short session, are the ones to avoid at all costs. If they cannot respect that one simple boundary, they will not respect any. Don't think of it as being impolite on your part. They are being rude, you are simply protecting yourself by saying no.

- akaraari

I'm sorry you had a bad experience dear, warpmymind does have a lot of predators about, particularly on the forums, the chat much less so but they can be almost militaristic in their rulings, not bad, but not particularly something I myself enjoy. I'm not on here a great deal but if you want to shoot me a pm with question, wanting to hear stories, good and bad etc. . . just ping me, maybe it'd help? maybe not. I've done long writings about how I think subs really should get more respect than dommes, given how open and how trusting they have to be to allow anything to happen in the first place, really wish more people respected that. But anyways, off here now, be safe and hopefully this doesn't push you too far away.

- akaraari

I'm sorry you had a bad experience dear, warpmymind does have a lot of predators about, particularly on the forums, the chat much less so but they can be almost militaristic in their rulings, not bad, but not particularly something I myself enjoy. I'm not on here a great deal but if you want to shoot me a pm with question, wanting to hear stories, good and bad etc. . . just ping me, maybe it'd help? maybe not. I've done long writings about how I think subs really should get more respect than dommes, given how open and how trusting they have to be to allow anything to happen in the first place, really wish more people respected that. But anyways, off here now, be safe and hopefully this doesn't push you too far away.

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