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ParanoidLord's Recent Entries

Status Report 6

by ParanoidLord

As you can see, I support regular journaling - besides allowing me to track my progress, it might be a useful resource to others planning to work with this file.

So recently, I've had my first visual hallucinations - very small things, though. When I look at myself in a mirror, I see the following things: - A reduced amount of body hair - Slightly larger breasts - A smaller waist - Thinner arms

These hallucinations are less powerful when I look down at myself, but it's a good start, if you ask me.

Another thing - I seem to get a "glowing" feeling throughout my body starting when my face "transforms". However, I'm guessing that this is just me allowing some of the more feminine feelings to rise to the top when I'm triggered - which makes it more arousing.


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