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An interesting thought

by TammyToy

Last night, slut went to the grocery store and then walked home. Along the way, she passed a man sitting on a bus bench. He looked at slut, then looked at slut's chest and smiled. That was when slut realized that her entire posture had changed. slut used to walk with her shoulders slightly slumped and curved in. Last night, it suddenly hit her that she was walking with her shoulders straight and her back arched slightly, to thrust her tits out and call attention to them. It was completely unconsious and slut had not been aware of changing until last night. slut loves the so very natural seeming changes that this file is making in her.


- starchildskiss78

Sounds like slut is making nice progress. Ah, to be the man sitting on that park bench! :)

- mutatedbunnyboy

Sounds like you are becoming the best slut you can be =)

- TammyToy

You know...slut feels such warm pleasure and joy when she's told that she's becoming the best slut she can be.

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