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Aelfreich's Recent Entries

Countdown to Jock Summer

by Aelfreich

So here's my plan as it stands. I have finals until Friday. Saturday I go to watch some friends graduate, and Sunday I play DnD. Starting Monday, The Atma is going on semi-vacation. I'll be beginning a strict regimen of hypnosis and working out. I'll also be looking for a summer job, flipping burgers, to really make myself feel like I'm becoming the kind of person I thought of as Jocks in high school. The Jock will be in charge most of the day for most of the week. The Atma comes back for Sunday, and most nights; especially Saturday, because that's when Doctor Who comes on.


- TeenWolf

i fuckin love dr who!

- Aelfreich

I *know*, right?! God, I can't get BBC-America here at Uni, but I get it at home. That means that as soon as I get home, I GET TO WATCH DOCTOR WHO. I am a happy geek. Did you know Neil Gaiman wrote an episode for this season? *happy-face*

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