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icedragon's Recent Entries


by icedragon

lots of emails today, five :) 1st one: this one was realy good, it made me raise my left arm then drop it going deeper then my right arm and drop it casuign me to go deeper still. then it told me i would add 'mew' to the end of things i said when i was with my friends and doing s will make me honryer and honryer. hope this one is as good as it sounds 2nd tells me i want to look good, attract attention. i have to think about what i will wear tomorrow, and get them out ready. i will deep down know it is a hypnotic sugestion to do so. i will think its my idea to take a picture of the clothes and send it to the emailer 3rd have to log onto yahoo messinger and contact the sender, i can't log off untill i have the senders permision 4th email i am to think about beign hypnotized when i lie in bed think abouthow i enjoyed suggestions, i have to respond telling the sender what i liked about suggestions, eveyr night i will lookfrowad to new hypnotic experiacnese in the morning 5th email have to respond listing all the mp3's on my mp3 player that arn't music still don't consioulsy remeber this jounral :)


- darkenedav

hope you look back on it and let us know how the day went :)

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