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Aelfreich's Recent Entries

Jock Summer: Day 13

by Aelfreich

Damn, I think The Jock has more low cunning than I gave him credit for. I thought I could keep him nice and compartmentalized; when I'm 'me', I'm smart, charismatic(if I do say so myself), and(this bit's important) I'm very erudite, and when I'm The Jock, I can be dumb.
That was the plan. I think it's failing.
I read in other jock's journals that the 'dumbing down' aspect usually comes up like a foggy or a fuzzy feeling in their brain. "AHA!" says I, "I feel no such feeling, therefore I have handily conquered the Dumb of The Jock!"
It would be very nice to think that such shoddy logic was The Jock's doing.
No, I haven't felt a fog or fuzziness. BUT...When I started typing this, I spelled 'compartmentalized' with an 's' instead of a 'c'. For five minutes, the sentence read "I smart" instead of "I'm smart"; I looked it over at least once before I realized what was bothering me. And those are just the tip of the typo iceberg. I've been getting tongue-tied on a daily basis for a while now. The time I spend in any given conversation going 'um' and 'uh' has trebled.
I'm getting dumber.
It scares me, a lot.
It arouses me just as much.

I see two conflicting futures for myself. One where I'm mildly-in-shape, but mostly gangly. I'm smart. I play Dungeons and Dragons. I wear a tench coat and a top hat. I work in marketing, somewhere like Google. I'm Me. In the other, I'm very muscular, with huge pecs. I'm dumb. I play football. I wear gym clothes and a baseball cap. I flip burgers, or something equally menial. I'm The Jock.
Taking a third option's looking harder and harder...


- Wolffried

Hmm, very interesting.. it's jsut as you say, scary and hot. I can'T give you any advice, but I'm very curious how it will go. Probably over time, you will find a new balance.

- TeenWolf

the way i balanced was this: the reason my/your/the jock appears randomly is due to you wabtin hig to come oit more frequrntly. so theres nothin to fear bruv i find convos and readin allowed quite ard now. i stutter alot

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