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icedragon's Recent Entries


by icedragon

2 new emails, yay! both a little more extreem than i'm usued too. 1st email sent by me without realsing tonight i will drink 5 glasses of water then forget to go tot he tolet before bed, then when i wake i will find myself strapped down unable to get up unitll i wet myself, this was suppsoed to be sent to someone else but i unkowlingly coppyied msyelf in. 2nd email whenever i sit down today i will feel a fat dick penetrating me, whats more if i am in company it will thrust up and down into me, not sure how i'm going to manage this one


- demigraff

Sounds like you're having a lot of fun .. I keep intending to send you an email, but waiting a little in case the supply of suggestions from others dies down a bit; it can get confusing trying to obey too many at once

But it seems that now, the things I'd usually start with will be a little tame by comparison.

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