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TammyToy's Recent Entries


by TammyToy

Early this afternoon, slut had her mind played with. She went into trance for this man, deeper then she has ever gone for anyone. That always happens to slut, when this man plays with her. He made slut feel a wonderful, blissful, oh-so-very pleasurable arousal, an arousal with no purpose but to be aroused and he made that feeling last in slut all day long. slut still feels it now. Of course, that meant that the man who did this to slut was constantly in slut's thoughts for the rest of the day, too.

slut's sexual life has not been as busy as she could want. Only one of the men from that wonderful "marathon" last Tuesday, is still coming back. He's come back twice now and slut's instincts still say that something is off.

Is it possible to actually find the "ideal" relationship? Someone local who can play with slut's mind just as deeply as the man today did. Someone who can utterly own slut...heart, body, mind and soul...and who can share slut with men who want to use her body? Tell me, is it possible?


- genemcd234

Well, slut, I'm sure it's possible. But it will take some good luck to have happen. A lot of men you meet on line or on Craig's List will be afraid that there is some kind of trap in meeting you regularly. Finding a woman who wants to please a man is pretty unusual. Besides, it sounds like what you really want is a Master who is willing to share you freely with others.

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