So, my younger brother will be starting Football next fall. Now, a year ago I would have ranted, raved, over-my-dead-body'd, exhorted, coerced and generally carried on. Now, not so much. I pointed out that he'll have to choose between that and Marching Band, but he plans to do Jazz Band instead(boy can play a MEAN trumpet). So, I'm supporting him.
Thing is, I can't tell whether it's the files making me more open to sports, me being more mature about the situation, or me being just too damn lazy and/or apathetic to do anything else.
Probably all three.
And now that I've warmed the cockles of everyone's hearts with that tale of brotherly love, I have to confess that I'm a horrible person. Once I realized I didn't give a flying fuck about the kid playing football or not, I immediately latched on to a devious little plan that HAD to come from the Geek, since the Jock's not bright enough to think that twisted.
Basically, it boils down to this: As one of my readers pointed out to me, I can't exactly talk about what I'm doing here with 'normal' people. Imagine saying this to your family: "Oh, yeah, I using hypnosis files to alter my persona and become more jock-like." While the looks on their faces would be PRICELESS, I think being shuttled to the shrink on a weekly basis would be too expensive. But I need things, if I'm going to become the muscle-stud I want. Workout-things. Weights, bars, etcetera etcetera ad naseum.
Things, in short, that the Geek would never want.
Things which would be very useful, though, for a young man to use while prepping for Football in the autumn.
Like I said, I'm a terrible person. So I realize that I can con the family into buying things, like weights and so on, ostensibly so that the Munchkin(he hates me calling him that, so like a good brother I do it daily) can get in shape, and I can "borrow" them from time to time, since it's the best way "to get enough use out of them, he's over at his dad's most of the week otherwise".
To paraphrase Daffy Duck, I'm a Jock-Geek, but I'm a DEVIOUS little Jock-Geek.
(And because someone's going to ask, it being hard to convey emotions through text: the statements "I'm a Horrible Person" were made with mounds upon mounds of sarcasm.)