Trigger 5 Minute Orgasm Day 22by KorusiSo somewhat interesting and ohhh such good news. Today was what I would call a breakthrough- after saying the trigger I felt an overwhelming warmth grow over me and as I squirmed I felt myself becoming overly aroused... I kept hearing the instructions and what I should feel and what was going on over and over in my head and it just made me more aroused. When all was said and done I had achieved what felt like three orgasms.
The first one sent shivers and caused me to pre and almost drove me to frenzy... I continued and as before was urged to help it along.... the surprising part was when the second one came and... technically I didn't; I felt the pleasure without the end. Shortly after that one I dove into that final one and oozed all over myself.... *sigh* what a feeling.
Eight more days and I'm stopping this one and moving onto one that is going to be even more fun.... This interestingly is not with lots of listens; only maybe 1 a day for 20 days. I am starting to think if I really really wanted to have this have the full effect which.... is kinda scary now. Imagine being put into that position for 5 minutes after hearing a phrase? That.... although somewhat sexually exciting is still kind of scary huh?