Files I listened to:
- Curse Constant Aching Need
- Blink's Good Girl
So earlier today, I thought it would be a good idea to trance in the tub, so I gathered up a handful of files, plugged them into a set of speakers, and got in. There were things I liked about it and things I didn't, and I'll explain in more detail in a moment. I woke up feeling refreshed, and I feel really good right now, but I don't know if I'll do it quite like that again.
On the one hand, the water gave me that floaty feeling. Trancing was really nice and easy being able to sink deep into the water and just listen. On the other, I filled the tub too high so I had to be careful not to let my ears get filled with water so I couldn't hear the file playing. This made things really uncomfortable, and I wasn't able to trance really deep. When I did try to sink my ears below the water during Good Girl it gave this murky feeling to it all, which deepened the trance. I went in and out of consciousness during this, but I woke up slightly early worrying that I wouldn't be able to hear the wake up. This set me on edge for the rest of the file.
It was also fairly uncomfortable. I may be small, but I don't fit in the tub perfectly, so I squirmed too much to really relax. Despite all that, I feel really refreshed now that I'm awake. I had planned to listen to two more files, but I simply couldn't lie there anymore, so I woke up and got out. If I were to do it again, I'd probably only limit myself to one short file rather than a whole handful.
Aside from trancing, I managed to use some moisturizing bodywash on my tits. I hope that helps with the raw nipple issue I've been having lately. Also, my tits feel like they've gotten bigger. It would explain why they're so sore lately. Funny. I thought my tits were supposed to stop growing after age 20. The other possibility to the sore breasts would be that my countdown of doom said I have 15 +/-7 Days left til I explode. I usually get some signs of explosion about 2 weeks before.
Which reminds me that I'm going to a con for four days in 11 days. With my luck, that'll probably mean I'll be explody throughout the convention. :( Yuck.