Ok, this should be relatively quick. While I was away at A-Kon, my pair of walking-dumbbells (that is, dumbbells designed for use while walking) arrived, so I can finally begin weight training, even if it's only a little. Have not listened to my files for most of this week, because, you know, the irregular hours and impossibility to relax at a con. A couple of things did happen worth mentioning, though:
As president of my anime club, I had to be the one to handle all the registrations, reservations and so on. While waiting, and, this is important, stressing on a $1200 check to be prepared, the Jock popped up and demanded immediate attention. As I sat in the bathroom stall stroking, the thoughts that ran through my head were "The Jock never has to deal with this much stress. Big, dumb, and blissful. Being the Jock could make this all go away..."
Still, the Geek pulled through, and the Jock was quiet all Thursday and Friday...until Friday night, at The Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadowcast, where I learned that both The Geek and The Jock DO in fact share interests. This was my internal dialog during the pres-show:
Geek: Lingerie!
Geek and Jock:Corsets and Lingerie that emphasize T&A!
And as for when the movie actually started:
Jock: *stares at Rocky* I wanna be that!
Geek: *stares at Tim Curry and Susan Sarandon, not to mention the Shadowcast Actors* I think I can live with that.
And, to top it all off:
Dr. Frank N. Furter: In Just Seven Days, I Can Make You A Man!
Jock: Yes sir ma'am sir!
Geek: Hmm. Charles Atlas. Must remember to look into Dynamic Tension when I get home.
In conclusion, I have now nicknamed my inner jock: Rocky. Who said cons aren't fun?