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Aelfreich's Recent Entries

Jock Summer: Day 31, One Month Marker

by Aelfreich

Sup, bros! We've reached the one-month marker. Time to ask and answer a few questions about my progress, and then we'll go on to a problem I've had the past two days with my files.

Have you noticed any muscle increase?
Not a lot. Because I've only begun adding weight training to my regimen within the past few days, due to money restraints, most of my results have been tightening, rather than a growth. I'm a naturally skinny guy, but there was still a bit more jiggle when I started than there is now. My calf muscles, however, are definitely showing more definition and tone.

Have you had any change in intellect, language, and similar?
Stupid is as stupid does, but I have been getting tongue tied, loosing my train of thought, and similar much more since I started. As for language: while things like 'dude' and 'bro' are more common in these journal entries than in my daily use, my use of curses, swears and expletives have definitely picked up. This includes traditional (Fuck, Shit, Damn, etcetera), religious (Mary Mother of God, Sweet Jesus Christ, God's Teeth, etcetera), and personal (Arthur and Guinevere, Merciful Tolkien, Frak, etcetera).

What about fashion?
Not precisely. Again, money's tight, so I usually wear what I normally wear, but I have plans to purchase some sleeveless shirts when I go to Walmart next time, given that I get cash influx around the first of the month. However, while I've always been a bit embarrassed about walking around with no shirt, I've spent more time this past month shirtless than shirted. Small steps, small steps.

What about libido?
As I've noted, my cock belongs most times to Rocky, my inner jock, whose cock is bigger than mine, or at least is rarely fully flaccid. As for sheer horniness: If I masturbate only once a day it's an act of major restraint.

Finally, any problems?
Yes, actually, one that showed up every so often before my convention trip last week, but has happened every.Single.TIME. that I've attempted to trance since getting back. I'll be in trance, nice and deep, and suddenly BOOM! my heart rate jumps through the roof and slams me out of trance. Has anybody else had this problem? If so, how do you solve it?

That's about it. Later, bros.


- Wolffried

First of all: Congratulations for your first month! As for the heart rate thing: I had things similar to that.. maybe it'S an instinctive protection mechanism, meaning that you have reached a point where you can get stronger effects. Probably with a bit of patience you can overcome it.

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