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Dogboy's Recent Entries

Dog hypnosis, now with owner

by Dogboy

Well I felt like giving an update about myself since I haven't given up being a dog through hypnosis.

I have been with someone for several months now who wants a pet puppyboy. We are trying to do it with hypnosis and its going wonderfully. We don't do hypnosis as much as we should, but when we do it works great.

When triggered I am much more like a puppy in mind and actions then when I do it without the aid of hypnosis. It is very cool. She hypnotizes me herself with her own commands, and being hypnotized in person really send me much more deeper than with the files I have used in the past.

Yesterday was the best yet. She said she could see me do things she had suggested under hypnosis (I don't really remember what happens with her when I'm put under) and the majority of my time as a puppy was pretty mindless, only thinking of what was happening around me and nothing else.


- Aelfreich

Ah, Love and puppies. My Little Pony's got nothin' on this level of Cute.

- Dogboy


- slartibartfast

Really pleased you've found a loving mistress who'll treat you kindly because of the good dog that you are. Wish I could find a mistress who wanted a bitch puppy. As I said in our messages a while back, I'd give up my species to become a dog, my gender to become female, or both to become a bitch. You want to lift your leg to pee, I'd prefer to squat. WOOF!

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