Sup, dudes! I thought I'd go ahead and post this now, while I'm still a
little high off the adrenaline from my workout.
I got up early this morning, made some coffee, a bowl of cereal, and did my sit-ups. I then had a run/walk/workout in the morning, while it was still relatively cool. And then again closer to lunch. And then again after lunch. And then again tonight.
In short, because of the nice cooling breeze, and several bottles of cold water, I've been working out all day.
I feel GREAT. Again, a little punch drunk, but that's rather pleasant. I might just keep today's schedule from now on.
It also helped that today, frankly, there was nothing on TV. :D
So, my plans for tomorrow, Midsummer, are as follows: get up and have breakfast, do my situps, go for a morning run, and whenever there's nothing on TV I either go for a run(if it's cool enough) or listen to one of my files(when it's not). Awesome!
So, two things before I go. One: I have a confession. I can't seem to do pushups. It's getting embarrassing. Situps, now, those i can do. Pushups, I wiggle and wobble and fall on my face on the first one. Probably I'm doing something wrong; anyone know where I can find something online to teach me how to do a good pushup?
Second, I'm going to be adding some of chewtoy's hypnosis videos to my regimen. Hope to get deeper trances and better ability to forget trance contents out of it. Wish me luck!
That's all for tonight. Happy Midsummer, later bros!