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Aelfreich's Recent Entries

Jock Summer: Day 52

by Aelfreich

((Due to internet constraints, this wasn't posted last night when it should have been. There'll be another tonight.)) I spoke too soon about work. After reviewing my experience thus far in the cold light of the morning, I called in sick today. I'll pick up my paycheck tomorrow and turn in my resignation.
The problem was this, basically: the job was too complicated for Rocky, causing me(when Rocky) to become nervous and stressed; and it was too repetitive for me in my normal aspect, which caused me to become nervous and stressed. Furthermore, and I don't know if any of you have ever worked at McDonald's, but if you have you know how hot and claustrophobic they are. It's narrow, the machines reach up to the ceiling, and the grills are always on.
In short, it's Hell.
I thought, Hey, I can do this. The people who work there are great, everyone's helpful and polite. It's only been a week or so. I can do this, right?
I didn't sleep last night. At all. I tossed and turned constantly. Every time I spared a thought for getting up for work in the morning, I felt sick.

All in all, I think it's just better, given how little of summer is left. to let it go.
Later, bros.


- xavious

Welcome to how I feel in any job I've had! Okay, that sounded insensitive. I think that we tend to believe working at McDonalds to be mindless work, but I'd imagine that ANY job these days is hard no matter what it is, especially because the recession has lowered the amount of jobs there are and companies are expecting more work out of less people to cover for losses. Basically the grunts have to pick up the slack because of their bosses mistakes. Also, as you described working for Maccy D's is probably more uncomfortable than it looks. All those hot cookers and whatnot. I don't know if there are differences between how each version works in the UK and America though. I applied for Maccy D's a while back and they rejected me. Apparently I'm not even good enough to work there. >_> So yeah, my sympathies. Believe my Aelfie, you and Rocky are not alone. Good luck with your future prospects.

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