Just another day in the American South. Heat Index threatens to bake us all, clocking in at 105 degrees. Part of me is sore tempted to just put my cast-iron weights outside and watch through the window as they freakin' melt. The rest of me either knows that's impossible or would rather not see the money for the weights go up in smoke, thankyouverymuch.
Plumbing's still down. I know I keep bringing that up, but the longer I go between hot showers, the more it's revelatory. Lemme explain.
Fact 1: Files require you to attain a relaxed state of trance.
Fact 2: Nice hot showers are very relaxing; you don't realize HOW relaxing until you've missed them.
Fact 3: My house is small, the walls are thin, my family is nosy and noisy.
Fact 4: I have no significant other with whom to 'relax', hem hem.
Fact 5: The very act of being clean, or lack thereof, can have a major effect on stress.
Conclusion: Showers are my chief time for relaxation, and without them, my stress levels rise and rise, to the point where I can't enjoy files as they were intended. Instead I shift and try, in vain, to get comfortable, fail to go into trance because I can still smell either my b.o. or all the Old Spice I had to put on to mask it.
In short: Who's the patron saint of plumbing? Maybe I can get a Mass said for me...
Later, bros.