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Journal 10--Hypnotist

by kitsukat

I got to meet my hypnotist at the con I went to a week or so ago. OMG trancing in person is almost a whole different experience to trancing via skype. It was really amazing. It's just a shame that meeting him will be a rare occurrence.

In terms of what we did, it's all kind of a blur at the moment, but he wasn't used to the size of my breasts, so it took a few tries before he wasn't as rough on them. Something I didnt' expect was that he pulled at my hair. He wasn't rough, nor was he particularly gentle, but the pulling was hot as hell, and made the experience even more intense.

I did notice that I was pretty willing to do anything he asked on command. I'm a well conditioned goodgirl. :3

As for trancing afterward, we did some trancy things a few days ago, but I ended up fucking up at blacking out. I fucked up pretty badly. It was a weird experience too.

To elaborate, he had me black out and asked me a few questions, then he had me do a countdown orgasm which was amazing. After that, I didnt' wake up fully and ended up asking him what the questions meant, which killed both the mood and his desire to try memory play with me again. I had to explain to him later that I really dislike being dishonest and wouldn't ever lie about being tranced.

I do realize why I fucked up though: I tend to analyze my experience after trance, but I was analyzing the blackout part wrong. The point of blacking out is to forget it even happened, ergo, not even bringing it up upon waking up to say "it was all blurry."

I haven't really been listening to files lately, since my hypnotist dislikes it, but I'm tempted to listen to alien memory training to get better at memory loss. However, my hypnotist told me not to use files for his sake, so I'll leave it be.


- darkenedav

thanks for the post :) made for great reading ^_^ and mild jealousy :P

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