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Aperture's Recent Entries

Subject#3: Curse Forced Gay

by Aperture

I am still in testing with Dragon Subliminal, but have not yet seen or felt any results. I am going to begin testing with EMG's Curse Forced Gay, or CFG. Mostly, I would like to know what the hype is all about. Will update when I see/feel results. FINAL RESULTS: After listeinging to it twice, I can say that this file most definitely will work with repeated listening. After I had listened to it, I immediately wanted to be with a man. If one were going to listen to this, I would advise caution, as I do not believe there would be any going back once it has been listened to three or four times.


- winters10102003

hi have you tried " curse stroke sissy" it another hyped file like CFG. i wanted know if it does what it claims, i tried it a few times wasn't sure if it was me being all obsessed all of a sudden kinda wanted a 2nd opinion.

- Pitasho

Hi there, I've been reading your journal and I anted to tell you about my Dragon Sunliminal file and why you might not be getting effects from it. First off, achieving a physical transformation is very difficult, believe me, I've tried. Secondly, it is meant to be a companion file to EMG's Dragon Rising and Dragon Transformation files. The idea is trance with EMG's files and then to listen to the Subliminal Dragon file while out of trance to help the effects sink in. Also if you have a music editing software program, then I find that putting Dragon Subliminal in the background of either of EMG's files is particularly effective. Hope this helps clear up any confusion surrounding the file.

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