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Aelfreich's Recent Entries

Jock Summer: Days 55 and 56, Sunday

by Aelfreich

Saturday: Not much of nothing happened, so no post. *shrug* You were perhaps expecting a tale of daring-do, with treasure and chase scenes and alcohol and slapstick and high drama? Silly, Dungeons and Dragons is on Sundays!
Speaking thereof: Today was Sunday, and therefore DnD day. I'm currently plotting on pulling a Uriah Gambit on the Fighter, who sold his soul for NO GOOD REASON(unlike the Ranger, who is contemplating selling his soul for completely legitimate RP reasons). Dammit, Chaotic Neutral does not mean "Screw you guys, I do what I want!" especially when what you want is STUPID. Even Rocky could out-think this guy. Anyway, moving on.

Newsflash: I do actually have ONE, count 'em, ONE girl follower! And a GEEK, at that! Kitsukat, it seems, was lurking. Rocky and I will now join together to give her the traditional response to attention from a girl we both find attractive. And a one and a two and a one two three four:
Rocky: Heh, yeah. Why'd we do that, again?
*sigh* No respect for the classics.
Rocky: Bugs Bunny did that?
...Some respect for the classics.

Final notes: I have attained access to HOT WATER, albeit on a temporary basis. I've long been the pure-and-chaste guy in my circle of friends; no weed, no booze. I didn't have any moral problems with it, per se, or else I wouldn't have hung out with them in the first place. I just had all those inhibitions drilled into me by school and 'rents and so on. Thanks to Rocky whittling away at my inhibitions, and a standing offer from said friends(including one I shall dub 'Jen', Kenny's girlfriend, a sweet girl, 4.0 g.p.a., leader in band, and connoisseur of ganja) I made a deal with Kenny that if he would provide me with 1) a ride from my place to his, 2) a ride back, and 3) a shower sometime between the two, I would finally break down and toke up.
Surprisingly less cut-up about it than I thought I'd be. Possibly because on hearing my conditions, another friend, 'Rick', said "Hey, we'll be heading to my place to smoke a bit during the dinner break like always, you can use my shower today."
Rick is a saint. A lewd, crude, atheist-cum-agnostic-cum-misanthropic saint.
Still, I maintained my offer to Kenny, and he took me up on it; also roped me into building characters from another DnD campaign, but Rocky doesn't care.
Rocky: Confirmed weed and possibility of booze? Score!
And possibility of hypnotizing someone else. Also score.

That's all for tonight. Later, bros.


- TeenWolf

fuckin turned be on bruv. good progres

- kitsukat


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