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Journal 11: Memory Play Update

by kitsukat

We tried some memory play last night, and it worked really well. I don't want to elaborate though, cause thinking about it gives me a headache. All I know is it was lots of fun :3 On a different note, I really want to be a bimbo this week, but the bimbo files on this site often add suggestions to wear makeup and sexy clothes, which I don't want. :( I also tried an accelorator with Curse Constant Aching Need. OMG it works really well. I've been so horny since I listened. I wanted to listen to CCAN again this morning, but refrained from it due to sleeping in too late.


- Aelfreich

Bimbo Breasts doesn't have makeup or clothes suggestions, so there's one option. Bimboize doesn't have much in the way of it, but it does encourage 'dressing slutty' once. Everything else is either high on the makeup and clothes or geared to feminizing men.

- kitsukat

I listened to bimbo breasts and really liked it, but I have a big problem with it: the trigger's too vague. The trigger is that you'll become a bimbo if you hold your tits and take a deep breath. It's to easy to trigger, even if you don't mean to.

I may have tried bimboize before, but I'll check it out again just in case. Though suggestions to dress up usually ends up waking me up.

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