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Aelfreich's Recent Entries

Jock Summer: Day 57

by Aelfreich

Ok, first things first.
HOT WATER! HOOORAY! The plumbing is FIXED!
Moving on...

Today, Rocky whittled away at my inhibitions enough to convince me to try marijuana. The result was...complicated. After much hacking, wheezing, and no small amount of drool, I determined that I am not now nor shall I ever be a smoker. It just ain't happening, folks.
Rocky: Makes me feel like a bit of a pussy, though, couldn't even hold it in...
Meanwhile, in Logic Land, I know I won't be able to run as well with lungs made of charcoal. Get over it, Id-Boy.
Rocky: Aw...
As to the actual effects: Er, I was quiet? I'm usually very talkative; I just felt sleepy. And easily engrossed; normally when watching my friends play Halo(I don't do FPS, but I will stomp your ass at Civilization) my brain wanders around and I have problems sitting still, but this time I just sat there and stared at the television, with that lovely blank-minded feeling I've come to associate with Rocky.
And in the way of such things, when my Geek Brain came back, it brought a stack of notes of musings, observations, ideas and so on. I may share some of those later; tonight, thought, I'm tired.

Later, bros.


- xavious

Please don't misunderstand me. I probably meant high or intoxicated in general, but I was referencing your experience with marijuana specifically because that's what you tried. Maybe I should keep my thoughts to myself in future...

- Aelfreich

Xavious, bro, don't worry so much! I was just continuing the conversation; no need to be so hard on yourself.

- xavious

Marijuana = dumb jock mentality? Interesting. Strangely enough I had a story idea that involved a special room called the "Jock Room" where only the elite fratboys could hang out. Some guy gets invited there and the room is full of smoke (and probably guys smoking marijuana) and jock-themed facilities like a pool table and a TV that just shows sports and porn endlessly, while fratboys sit and zone out while their braincells die and they become more and more jock-like. ...yeah. Anyway, I don't blame you on the smoking; I can't stand it myself, although I've been reading an awesome transformation/corruption story series which involves a guy smoking and the author does a fantastic job at making it sound very erotic. Apologies if I've been a bit quiet: I know that you were disappointed that your journal was such a sausage-fest and I don't want to annoy you to much with my own. I hope that you and Rocky are well.

- Aelfreich

I don't think it's so much as 'marijuana=jock mentality' as 'high=jock mentality'. Booze would probably do much the same.

- kitsukat

While I've never smoked pot, I do believe that hypnosis does give you a natural high. Natural highs are more fun than drugged ones anyway, in my opinion.

Also, when it comes to alcohol, the high/fuzzyness is also kind of like hypnosis. Going under after a shot of alcohol has made the hypnosis more intense. Though you have to be careful with that: too much and you won't be able to focus. 1 shot should be just enough.

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