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Aelfreich's Recent Entries

Jock Summer: Day 61 and 62.

by Aelfreich

Uncle still in hospital. Keep those prayers/good vibrations/happy thoughts and general orisons coming. They are much appreciated, regardless of individual beliefs.
Not much happened today, but last night I saw Harry Potter and The End of A Franchise, or whatever you call a movie best numbered 7-B. Very good, but significantly different from the book. So as to avoid spoilers, Rocky?
Rocky: Right! The movie was fucking AWESAOME! That's like AWESOME, but even fucking better! The ending was all flashy and cool and fucking EPIC, not like the book, which was talking and talking and then the bad guy died, which is fine for some people, but I like explosions in my movies. Here it was BOOM BITCH and shit! Fuckin' A!
Suffice to say I enjoyed the movie, and the book, immensely. And my charges here delivered through Rocky aren't, perhaps, all that well founded. Yes, it's tempting to say the movie ending is 'dumber' than the book, but really it's just about the medium. The book is mostly talking because it's mostly text, whereas the visual medium of the movie goes for a more visual effect. The final duel between Voldermort and Harry is longer and spans more sets, for instance. Altogether, though, it is, as Rocky says, Fuckin' A.

Speaking of Rocky: I regret to say that this is probably the last week of Jock Summer. I haven't been getting around to the files because of getting prepped for going back to school(and, of course, family issues), and I haven't been working out as much because of the heat. I'll probably have a post later in the week to give you an idea of where I, and indeed we, go from here.
Because we are a 'we', loyal readers. You've followed me, encouraged me and fawned over me(thankyouverymuch, indeed!) and...well...I actually don't know how I was going to finish this sentence. I got distracted by another window...Awkward...Anyway, you know what I'm sayin', right bros?


- kitsukat

Lol. Agreed, the movie was amazing. My brother and I went for the midnight showing.

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