
Just a quick little glimpse into something I did a few nights ago

by JDziewaltowski

I was playing around with my muscle boi, the usual puppy stuff. he had the mind of a young dog, when suddenly I triggered him, and instead of a young dog, he was a young boy. Now, he's pretty tall, and getting pretty big, so watching him in his leather jockstrap acting like a 10yo was like watching an episode of the twilight zone! VERY cute though! SO I left him like that for the night. We played board games and wrestled (he really kicked my ass, but always thought I let him win) and so on, and watched cartoons. Then when it was time to go to bed, he refused to sleep on the floor mattress like he does normally because the monsters under my bed could get him... I almost died laughing but kept cool and told him he could sleep with me. SO CUTE! he cuddled up with me under my blanket and made me read him a story (one from The Tales of Beedle the Bard) and he giggled at all the funny lines. Then fell asleep with his head cradled between my arm and torso. I didn't have the heart to wake him, so I went to sleep with him, and he woke me up early still as a little boy wanting to play... I was annoyed, so I made him pee himself, then triggered him and put him back to being his normal (altered) self =P He was humiliated, so I put him to sleep still in his soaked jock for an hour while I slept. When he woke back up, he thought it was all a dream, and that he'd wet himself in the night from dreaming that I'd made him pee =P SO weird! Definitely a cool experience!


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