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zapnosis' Recent Entries


by zapnosis

So... I'm sitting here with a glass of mulled wine, or to be more accurate a whole bottle, not because it's coming up to the 25th of December, but to mark An Occasion. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I have to mark it just because I am who I am. I'm not celebrating it or crying over it, I do not have strong feelings one way or the other, but I have a passion for brainwashing and the leader of the biggest cult in the world is dead. Will we ever know what he really thought of himself and what he did? Maybe not. But in life, you are who you are and you do what you do, some people stand out and some people don't. He did. Farewell.

New paragraph. I love taking little psychological safaris in the mind control world, and it is rare that I find something really interesting. I have Been Under maybe 1000 times, maybe more, maybe less, I wasn't counting. I get bored easily... a progressive relaxation induction, for example, is completely monotonous to me. Not in a good way. I need a challenge. It is very unusual for me to part with hard currency in my little adventures because so often the results are mundane, and it is so unusual for me to recommend a professional hypnotist that it may be said to be unknown.

Until now. I have spent maybe $300 over the last month or so and boy was it worth it! If you are looking for quality femdom malesub hypnosis, look at Goddess Mira Stern (care of Inraptured.com). Why? Well, to start, Her stuff is original. No standard inductions, no stairs to climb or doors to open, no gardens to walk through, no clichés of that kind. When She approaches a popular subject, She takes it from an unusual angle. It is called genius.

Secondly, the recording quality is good enough that my opinion is irrelevant. Thirdly, to sort out some mundane details, Her work is appropriately priced. Fourthly, She has some understanding of the meaning of the term "brainwashing", which is more than can be said for most. Fifthly, related, many of Her mp3s can be looped, which makes for interesting sessions when you are tied to a chair.

Finally, and most importantly, Her work is profound! She understands the full meaning of the words and techniques She uses and that makes Her powerful. More so than... OK, more so than any other hypnodomme I have heard. I thought that I was pretty nifty when it came to brainwave manipulation, but working out how Goddess Mira's beats work is almost impossible. How do you mesh brainwave beats with a separate music track without clashes? How do you make serious suggestions sound so easy? How, in fact, do you make suggestions of total enslavement sound so natural? I don't know, but Goddess Mira does. I challenge any man into femdom hypnosis to listen to The Loop, Tabula Rasa and Lux Et Veritas and then to say that he has wasted his money!

So yeah, that's what I've been doing for the last month or so. A little bit more raw power might have me over the edge, but I'm not there yet. Still, it keeps life interesting!


- Plaat

I find a hypnotic file poster more trustworthy when they tout they do it both ways, When you say you do malesub stuff, I feel more comfortable, regarding posts from those who are very much affected by files.

- zapnosis

Then be reassured, Plaat. Not only do I do malesub, but I test every file I create on myself, under full trance conditions, several times. It's the only way I know to test my techniques. :)

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