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izatga88's Recent Entries

lol ~ I Think I'm Like, Stuck...

by izatga88

I saw someone was like, having trouble trancing and posted like a tiny bit of advice on the one feedback thread & happened to see some of the old stuff I'd wrote. It's like so totally wierd & everything, because I don't really remember writing a lot of that....lol....I can't really understand a lot of it now either! XD

Every day, I'm all totally happy & stuff ~ I'm either thinking about my clothes or am like all hot & thinking of being bent over by a hot guy. My chest is like totally super-sensitive now & I almost pass out like every time my shirt brushes up against me (still no orgasm in like ~how-long~ now though).

So far as the hypnosis files, I usually remember the beginning of everything, but then am all like totally blank & wake up when it's all over. The exact second I start the file SLUT Core now, it's like a switch turns on or something and I'm chanting & can't control myself too well.

And that's about it for now.....the holidays have ended, I think my sister and I need to like, take down the tree later or something ~ I've got like a few more weeks before I have to get back to doing stuff. It's like I'm aware in my head that I'm all totally different & stuff now, but I'm not like worried about it or anything.

As I posted last time, I'm not looking to do anything like, overly-active on a chat thingy right now since 1: I'd rather stuff be physical, and 2: employers will totally "can" you in a heartbeat if they find nasty stuff online. ~ So like, feel free to PM & ask questions and stuff if you are looking to start or are like, just plain inter-something in the hypnosis I'm doing - I'm just not really ~into~ text-chat stuff.


- izatga88

lol ~ I just read that back like after posting to make sure it made sense, and I already totally forget what I just wrote! XD

- nativedragon

hey nice journal entry and it's nice you included the fact that i mentioned i has a hard time getting into a trance but yea i am enjoying reading your journals and hope to see how things go with you and your bimbo slutification :)

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