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izatga88's Recent Entries

Toooootally ~ Awesome Update!

by izatga88

I have not been like, drinking or doing anything weird today, but it's like, as of right now, my mind is officially bimob-mush! (I think that was ~bimbo~ I tried spelling) XD

I can like, barely type.....keep giggling, there's like nooooo thinking going on at all, & my slutty little self wants some nice jiucey cock to like, suck on or something.......blah ~ there isn't any, so I'll just pass out in a few hours.... ~ oh well! :P


- izatga88

lol....I just spent like, the last few hours making nauty comments to my family and giggling like a nut~! Slut still wants cock...

- ztshp

I so wish I could talk to you, it would be great

- wolf010203

You are like, amazing. I am using trainbimbo rite now so I canl like, work up to being like you. XD

- izatga88

I didn't know there was like, any files like that ~ the file list doesn't really do like a good job of saying what all is in it though.

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