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izatga88's Recent Entries

December Completely Disappeared

by izatga88

Okay, so at some point last week, I woke up and felt "off", but I didn't let it bother me & I went about my day as usual. As the week continued, I started to realise that December had ended and January was about halfway over.....I couldn't remember anything that happened in December too well - I have vague memories of Christmas and New Year, but everything else is a bit foggy.

Again, it didn't bother me so much, but when I reached for my music player over the weekend, I saw my entire hypnosis playlist & remembered "Holy shit, I started experimenting with hypnosis a month ago!" - I don't exactly know what happened, but I feel as if at some point last week, I must have snapped clear out of my hypnosis.

I looked over my journal pages & some of the PMs that having been passing through my inbox & cannot believe that I wrote all of those....very strange, but I guess it was working great. I want to find out now what it was last week that snapped me out of everything.


- rw789

I would say your mind kicked you out of it knowing you needed to return to your normal schedule as your holiday break was over with based on your first journal entry.

- zapnosis

Good point made above. There is something that has happened to me on a few of my adventures when the effectiveness of the files has sort of leveled off and I feel "I've seen what there is to see, time to go"... and suddenly it's over. Do you feel like the experience has changed you, that you have learned from it? Very interesting Izat!

- Plaat

Welcome back to reality! Got to say, you actually had me worried for you. Some have changed using the files you did; but over the course of a year! You..I was reacting like, "woah what is happening here?" Your perhaps recovery gives me relief if I ever want to try what you did.

- dharden

Maybe you subconsciously set the end of your break, or at least mid-January, as the time limit for your experiment. It would be interesting to know what it was, if you figure it out.

BTW, you might want to change your Location, Interests, and Signature, since you've come unstuck.

- izatga88

I wonder about that whole "subconscious setting a break" thing.....I know I tried running my loop overnight to see how well it would work, and it wore off within the hour after stopping it.

- Whimsical

Try again over the summer break!

- nativedragon

i'm gonna go out on a limb as say that from the looks at the latest update that your developing somewhat of a split personality disorder being that the bimbo slut self is dominating your old smart selfwhen it comes to controling your body and thought prosses

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