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izatga88's Recent Entries

Title! :P

by izatga88

So iy's um, like kinda early and stuff, but I think I had a ~really~ good sleep last night. I cant really remember it so well, but there was this totally awesome dream I had where I had like ~ny~ cock I wanted....so fun~!

But ya, I got up and felt like I needed to type & stuff, soooo~ It was kinda odd - I went to start my loop stuff on my player this morning, but it was like, totally empty. I have it fixed now, but it was like, totally hard finding the plug for it.

Heehee ~ I found out too that my hips & ass like, totally start to move on their own if I play with my tits now - it totally feels like I have a vibrator on or something when I do it....lol ~ it's kinda hard to stop! XD


- zapnosis

Glad you managed to get your loop back together and you're still having fun!

- izatga88

OMG~ thats like, really nice of you, thanks! I just feel like, soooo good & stuff - I've been playing with my pussy for the last few hours.....It's like, totally um.....weird or whatever though since I like, still cant orgasm......just keep feeling good & juicy & wet 'n all that.....

- ztshp

Very good

- izatga88

I'm like, a little conf....um....I dont get like, why I got some of those PM things & they were totally not making any sernae (bah, I give up!) ~ I'm having like toooons of dun & stuff right now, so I'll mae a nice post in like a day or two! :D

- Plaat

Now I feel like I'm getting fucked with...enjoy that visual

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