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January 14: Cardigan

by jtn2010

This week I tried out Cardigan's Deep Trance since in the past I usually enjoy Cardigan's files (if nothing else he uses good editing stuff to make his voice soothing) and it sounded like it would be a good file to get an idea on how deep I'm getting in trance.

To start, this file is a lot more "standard" as far I'm concerned. It isn't trying to use tricks or anything just an induction; so I think it's good for me to get better with those.

My only criticism is, and I've had this with lots of files, it comes across as everything deepens you and counting will double it and every time you go into trance it will become even deeper.

I had one file that said I'm going to count to 10 and with each number your relaxation will double which almost immediately takes me out because I find it hard to believe I can increase my relaxation 2^10 folds.

I'm not saying that's wrong or anything and relaxation is impossible to measure but it is just something that brings me out a little.

That being said, I did feel I was getting really deep and felt I might have been in trance. I was listening to the file about twice an evening, 2-4 times in the morning on MWF (I can explain why at the end of my January catchup). And once in a while in between so I was getting serious and I really noticed a difference.

I found myself completely oblivious to the outside world more or less without being asleep, in fact during one session my room-mate walked into the room got ready for a shower and everything without me even noticing and after I was brought out of it he came back in a little after which confused me.

I found myself not echoing what Cardigan says mentally like I normally do but instead just thinking about what he said like his words were on the front my mind (or the back) without me just parroting. I also felt my body go numb a few times...not numb like tingly but numb as in I really didn't feel my body exist, no itching, no chills, couldn't feel my clothes or blanket or whatever was covering me just nothing.

I'm not 100% certain it was a trance and it didn't happen every time but by the end of the week it was happening at least 50% of the time and felt really nice. I also felt really relaxed the whole week like my non-hypnotized self even felt lucid at times (like I was just more relaxed all the time instead of being as high strung as I normally am). Hard to say if this caused it or a less stressful workload or just pleased with progress so far but that was noted.

Anyway I kept this file and use it from time to time to help me get into other files (although it loses some effect from the awakener) or at least that's the plan but a very good file.


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