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izatga88's Recent Entries

Totally Weird Night....

by izatga88

Oh gawd, so I can't remember exactly if it was last night or the night before, but whatever night it was that I posted all of that text stuff, I totaly wound up having my.....cold(?) come back and spent like 2 or 3 hours hunched over & ready to totally puke my brains out. I.....think I feel a bit better now, but I guess I won't like, really no for sure or anything for another day or two if I'm over it.

Um....lol, almost forgot the whole point to this. :P
So anyways, the weird part to that whole thing was that I was feeling like super horny & giggling the whole time. I don't remembr what was like, funny or whatever, but I don't think I've ever been like moments away from seeing my dinner again while dying to finger mysekf either. Um....but I guess I kinda feel okay now....not much else going on......lol ~

On a side note, my tits are like, soooooo sensitive now that I can get like just as good an orgadm out of them as I can from my pussy, so yay! :D


- izatga88

Hahaha ~ I almost forgot, I had this totally weird dream last night about one of my old friends trying to like, get me to show him my tits & stuff.

- mutatedbunnyboy

Try getting yourself off, see if that helps your cold.

- mutatedbunnyboy

.... there is no logic behind this... but why not give it a go? 8D

- izatga88

Oh gawd, I'm like, so confused right now....I cant stop moaning....it feels like evrtyhing on me is like, vibrating.....I want cock so bad.....my clit feels sooooo good Why am I tyyyyping??? I cant stop.....I feel better talking abou it, but all I can think about is being filled with cum and played with like a sex doll.....I cant even moving with out having some kind of like....shock or something

- ztshp

That disturbing and hot girl but do try to get better ok?

- xHeartx

Why don't you call up one of your guy friends to come fuck you? Seems like just about any cock would do at this point right?

- ztshp

No! My IZ!

- xHeartx


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