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izatga88's Recent Entries


by izatga88

Um....y'know, now that I think about it, I'm having like, a really hard time remembering what happened since my last update. It was like totally fresh in my mind just now too....

I guess I'll just type & see what comes along ~ I'b....I've been lik, kinda freaking out these past few days. I'm totally blacking out, like HARDCORE blacking out over my loop at night now ~ lol. Also, I either um....hit the wrong button(?), or my player like glitched or something one night too - I woke up with "Be Dumb!" playing ALL NIGHT a night or two ago.....I can kinda like, still feel it even....

Hmm, this is totally weird....I reaally di have something to say, but it isn't coming back to me. Either way, I know my lop is feeling totally diffret now.....I wake up and I'm like, so tired still. I think I'm like, pretty sure I'm not doing anything odd while I'm out, I just.....have this really weird feeling like I'm not realy in control anymore. That "you need Cock!" file that just was added to the site.....it's like, totally staring at me....


- Whimsical

By all means, feel free to add it. Just keep us updated- I'm fascinated by your journal. Still think you should upload your own version of the chants.

- xHeartx

I dunno. With that file the men and transgender target and the words "lovely fetish" lead me to believe the file doesn't mean what you think it means. It would have been nice if there had been a better description. With the blackouts have you thought about leaving your webcam on record (local, not broadcasting) while you listen to your loop? That way you can review it when you "wake".

- nativedragon

i have to agree with xheartx IZ recrd but not broadcast yourself one night and see what happens and the sooner the better so you can find out what's going on =/

- izatga88

I'm (dammit, cant type) totally in shock and horror over Heart's comment - I DID NOT even f@cking look at the description for that file....WTF??? O.O

- BillionSix

Maybe it's just because of the Be Dumb file. You aren't as much of a reader anymore.

- Plaat

I Think (And I'd prefer)you should continue to balance this hobby with personal growth. Losing control is the opposite but like me, That contradiction is inciting. Still, be careful. But just for the record, what is your current file list?

- xHeartx

Well, I hope that you meant that as a good thing. I don't usually think of myself as horrifying people :P

- izatga88

lol ~ I didn't notice the guy-oriented stuff in that file Heart. :P

- ztshp

This is all about loss of control

- izatga88

Might post um....like an update or somethng tomrrow. I'm having ahrd......trouble i guess using the coputer.

- ztshp

I'll look forward to it

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