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Guuliar's Recent Entries

First Listen

by Guuliar

Nothing much happened, and I stayed conscious the whole time. Unfortunately I hit a block and a panic response triggered near the end and I think it broke me out of trance. Although maybe it didn't.

The rest of the night I kept having what felt like a mild form of Out of Body Experiences, or OBEs. I couldn't get to sleep that night but I somehow felt refreshed in the morning. Dreams were pretty normal, for me at least. Something about Victorian dresses, running, flying, and beating things to a pulp.

Is it odd that my violent side makes me feel more feminine? Not that I consider violence feminine, it's gender neutral, but still, there's something spiritual about leaping across a room to ram someone's head through a wall. Especially in a dress.

Anyway I'll try to listen to it again and hopefully no panic happens.


- ztshp

Wtf...it might be your Mascline and feminine sides fighting for dominance

- VeryGnawty

Running, flying, and beating things? We used to have a lot of dreams like that.

- Guuliar

My masculine and feminine sides live in a symbiotic relationship. They don't fight for dominance but are very understanding to one another. They don't fight for dominance. I don't want to loose those dreams btw. Some of the most interesting and beautiful things have happened in those dreams. Such as discovering a world full of electric bubbles and massive amounts of water being kept just inches from the surface. Large forests, and cast iron furnaces that talk and can show you the past, present, and future at a cost. Although I'd say my adventurous spirit is feminine, and my aggressive spirit is masculine, but my feminine side appreciates it. I type to much sometimes, sorry.

- ztshp

Sadly I wish I had dreams like you describe in your comment, they sound awsome but I never seem to remember mine

- Guuliar

I used to have an alternate personality before but I freaked out when she fought for equality and control over our body. I don't remember if we fused or if she just went away. That was one of the curious things about this file. It's a lonely world inside your own head. Anyway, my point is was that we always met in our dreams. We had awesome adventures together and that's probably the reason I see the more aggressive side of me as either neutral or feminine. Loosing a friend can make you do a bunch of weird things.

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