Wow....I can feel I've got like, a little bit of my herad back now now, um....I've been.....vaguely aware I guess of kinda, going around like a pair of tits with a pussy and legs. I just woke up, and kinda fels like I was getting like.....fucked all night or something?
I'm having a really hard time um.......thinking and typing this write now, so I'm going to cut it short. I'm kinda worried.....I've been actually forgetting even like, names & stuff of poples that are close to me. Um....I think I forgot the rwst of it......
Hearts asked about my tits? Tehy're like.....not really all thta large, but like, large enough to give giood cleavage and squish nicely when played with....I like their roundness. Um....stuff in my loop is in "my favorites" if you're llookng for....something.....? I'm going to stop now (=_=)