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izatga88's Recent Entries

I'm Back!

by izatga88

Not sure why, but around three days ago I woke up and had my head on straight again. I cant really even remember the last two weeks, though reading my last couple of entires is making me guess I must have completely lost it......not sure why I feel "normal" ~now~ though.

I'm really torn at this point.....not remembering what was almost an entire month & going around dripping out of my panties doesn't seem very.......functional I guess? On the other hand, I've REALLY been noticing an increase in my overall sensitivity to touching. I went "exploring" on myself last night - not from any urges, but just because I was bored, and I think I went on for close to an hour. I cant even begin to describe the orgasm that came from it.....it got to a point where I had to gag myself with something......the noises & screaming I was making.....I cant say I've ever felt that good any other time in my entire life.

But yeah....I'm still a little concerned since there are moments where my memory is just completely blank anymore......I've otherwise been 100% in control and alert these last few days.


- Guuliar

Hurray! Functionality is good! What use is feeling good if you don't get to remember it right? My vote is on toning it down a little, but not all the way ^_^

- xHeartx

Welcome back :) Glad to see I was about right on the timing lol. I wouldn't worry too much about the "functional" aspect, you seem to be pretty self protective about when you let go and embrace the programming so I'd say just enjoy it when it happens without worrying too much. Just don't lose track of the date on your breaks :P By the way, I saw a file that might be more what you were hoping that "Dick" file was. It's a version of an EMG file with binurals added called "Masturbating Cocksucker". From the description I think you might like it.

- nativedragon

i'm glad to see you back IZ and i agree with heart don't worry about things your pretty self protective so when your programming hits just let it roll without worrying :)

- nativedragon

so anymore updates for us IZ? :)

- izatga88

Funny you ask - new one is up now~!

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