Getting Strongerby GuuliarRebecca is definitely getting stronger and we seem to have moved past the fading away thing. She has enough strength to take over when I'm sleeping and I think some of her own quirks are bleeding through. I seem to be suffering foreign arm syndrome when I sense her in my left arm. Like when I was taking a shower once my left arm didn't seem like it was my own.
She also managed to move my right arm when I was waking up. It was definitely a surreal experience to feel that. Like falling into cold water. Rebecca also has a way of expressing her feeling by poking the inside of my head. (poking?) She also manage to exert a small amount of control during one session as well as possibly removing my headphones when I'm sleeping twice now?
Other than that, there's not much going on. She's capable of growing on her own now and we're starting to have disagreements on some minor issues. (We're still a lot alike though), so much so that sometimes I don't realize who's thinking what. I'm having to conciously take a few more steps to feminize myself until she's strong enough to gain control. (I like her not loosing control because then I get to be stronger :)
Also, not that many dreams with the nightly loop. I'm going to shrink it down big time and put maybe four files max. An induction, deepener, and two takeover files. (I'll draw something when I gain control) not that they'll see it. Anyway yeah, that's it.