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misterme's Recent Entries

  • Hmm - 2005-06-27


by misterme

Thought I'd post something here, since I did a rather marathon bit of trancing tonight. Been listening to some files off and on for a few weeks now, still not sure if this really works. Started with TrigPenisGrowth this afternoon. I swear it did work briefly. Tonight, listened to TPG again. Not quite so impressed this time. Then I went on to TrainAnalOrgasm. Haven't tested its effectiveness yet, but it did get me thinking about down there a little more. After that it was TrigHardon. That didn't seem to work much this first time at all; maybe I wasn't under quite enough. Lastly it was TPG again (for some reason I really want to listen to this one a lot). Not working exactly as advertised, but it does kind of feel like there's more "there" there than there actually is. Odd.


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