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izatga88's Recent Entries

Great News

by izatga88

So then, I mentioned in the comments section of my last post that I'd be updating this morning. I came up with a few ideas on how to modify some of the extra commands I've added to my file loop thanks to all of the comments & ideas that were left to me, and I've been testing them since yesterday morning.

Basically, my new command set gives me a better sense of self-awareness & is set up so that amidst all of the hypnosis/brainwashing/conditioning I won't really hit a point that is impossible to come back from & I should have more of a say as to when it's ~okay~ to have some sexual fun & all that.

I tweaked it again this morning, and it seems to be working fine - either I've got it right & I should be 100% fine again with a little reinforcement for the next week or two, or my bimbo-self is hiding in my subconscious to jump & kill me off when I'm not looking (which is how I felt this past weekend). XD

I think I've been on the bimbo-washing files since about somewhere between Nov 15th and Dec 11th of last year (so far as I can tell from my forum feedback posts), so that's about 5 or 6 months that I'd otherwise been (holy $h1t I just realised that it's been a LONG time) spaced out and rolling around in my own pussy juice non-stop with pleasure. Going forward, I should be able to let my personality shine through a bit more without any pressing anxiety going on.

For now, I think I want to focus on improving my breasts with the files rather than conditioning myself to be a walking cocksleeve......I SWEAR they've already gotten a bit larger from all that Breast Game stuff.

I mentioned before, even if I still cannot remember the last 5 or 6 months, the "me" that is here now should hopefully make a much better/fun person & girlfriend. I am still feeling a bit "slow" in the IQ department & experiencing 1 or 2 odd/minor side-effects, but I don't feel like I'm going to drown amidst the programming anymore.

I feel nice & relaxed this morning. Anyways, um......I guess a majority of the people keeping tabs on me are guys, so I wouldn't quite suggest ya'll trying out my file list. :P It ~obviously~ works.......I actually have a fair idea of how to modify it for other woman (based on my experience with it) so that even without a sexual partner (I mean gosh, you'd think you could find a trustworthy one after FIVE OR SIX MONTHS ;_;), you really probably could stamp out your original personality like I almost did.

Either way, I DO NOT ever want to act on that information - one of the lingering side effects (aside from the urge to still be posting updates) is the idea of exposing other people I know.....I think the SLUT file was the one with that command(?).....but yeah, now that I can think straight, I'm getting this weird evil desire to experiment on my sister......which would be bad. @_@


- Guuliar

Awesomeness on gaining control over yourself. Sorry about the long comment on the last post. I get carried away sometimes ^_^

- izatga88

Heehee - I made sure to leave the "vibrating tits" sensation, those are fun! XD

The important part is to have the control to not be touching them at ~every~ moment of the day ~

- zapnosis

It is great to hear that you are happy with your trancing again and able to maintain some control! PM me whenever you feel the need, if it helps.

- ztshp

I'm sure your sis would love to be experimented on ;) :D

- BillionSix

I am glad you are able to continue your experiments without losing complete control. I mean, what's the fun of becoming a horny bimbo if you can't remember anything except a warm haze? Still, the bad part of me gets turned on a bit whenever you say "cocksleeve."

- nativedragon

Ztshp shut the bloody hell up you've been treating her like a cocksleeve since 3/11 posts if not before and your posts on her last 2 entrys was far from sincere looking you disgusts me. Anyways i'm glad to hear your feeling better IZ as i was getting very worried about losing you my friend and don't expairiment on your sister cause you may need her support later down the road and you said before that you don't wanna scrrew up her life with your loop so stay strong and most importantly stay yourself

- izatga88

It's all in good fun - I don't mind it. :o

- mutatedbunnyboy

Good luck with further ventures.

- ztshp

Native, I am flirting, deal with it and I was worried about her dispite what you think, also she is her own person and if it bothers her she will tell me to stop wont you IZ?

- duality99

Good to see things are under control now. Maybe in the future you might want to use a triggerable set of suggestions so things aren't as permanent. Be sure to keep us updated, I want to know if those suggestions hold up against the massive amount of programming you've already taken in.

- ztshp

It sounds like everyone thinks your some sorta were bimbo IZ:p

- VeryGnawty

Were Bimbo is sexier than a normal bimbo.

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