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izatga88's Recent Entries

Finding Balance

by izatga88

Alright, so I ~was~ going to update this morning, but I held off until a bit before going to bed......my mind kinda.....blanked um.....hm......wow - I'm a little like, turned on.

Um, so I've been f......messing with my files I guess, tryig to mix in some caommands and get sometinf like......this was a bad idea. >_>

I'm in 100% control, but my thoughts & actions seem to be going thr.....um.....coming out like a bimbo's....? Feels kinda like beer goggles......need to adjust more......will update soon (pleasdure kicking in, gotta go)!


- nativedragon

i hope you find balance soon IZ :)

- BillionSix

Hmm. This seems to be closer to what you were trying to achieve at the beginning. Basically in control, but a bimbo instead of your old self. You aren't a mindless masturbating thing, so that's an improvement.

- ztshp

Good I'm glad you are yourself and you feel pleasure from the horniness and native so help me if you comment on anything I said in this comment

- Guuliar

Ztshp, that comment was harmless. I agree with you, good thing to feel pleasure and balance. This post was pretty ~ hot lol

- izatga88

I've still got a little bit of last night's haze floating around in my head, but I can at least ~type~ a bit better now. I think I am close to something I can stick with......I probably should have everything hammered out by the end of next week at this rate?

- nativedragon

Ztshp for once you didn't make yourself look like an arse so we are cool for now :p and i'm glad to hear that IZ and i hope you finds a good balance but remember to be carefull of the subliminal files because you never know what's being said so stay safe and stay smart my firned *Hugs IZ*

- nativedragon

and just so yall know any typoes in my above comment is due to me just waking up about 10 minutes ago so i'm still half asleep XD

- BillionSix

Glad you seem to be on a good path. Go out and buy a pack of condoms, in case you are out on the town and the bimbo side surprises you. Doesn't hurt to be prepared.

- xHeartx

What is your goal? You talk about hammering out something you can live with, but what is you are trying to work toward? I know your initial objectives, but I am inclined to believe they have changed somewhat.

- Fractalbad

Iz, Ive been reading your journal since you started your journey. I never really felt to compelled to write a comment for you, because I didn't want to interfere with your exploration, and the discovery that you seek. I have been utterly fascinated though, almost every other day I log on to see if you have a new post. Wondering if its going to be "shy" Iz, or "naughty" Iz. I don't want you to misinterpret what I mean either. while I do get a bit of perverse pleasure from reading your journal (nobody would be on this site if they didn't get a little). My pleasure is mostly from you not being afraid to branch out, to try something new. It's always been a core belief of mine, even before I ever even knew that a fetish like this existed, (or even what the word fetish was for that matter) that I didn't like being on the bandwagon, I've tried to always be my own man. I was never Popular, or Goth, or Emo, Or whatever. I have friends in every circle, but could never really identify with one group. But enough about me, everyone who has paid attention can tell your at a precipice. trying to find that balance between both personality's, so they can mold into the one person you want to be. all I really wanted to say is that I applaud you for all your hard work and devotion. Taking the time to not only do what is required which is listen to the files,(and people know that's not always a simple matter) but doing your best to keep everyone aware of how its going. and finally not being afraid to ask for advice, and its this one to me that I always find difficult (being the loner I am). I support you completely, no matter the outcome. I'm also not the only one, everyone who has commented, and most who have not probably support you to. Native and ZH, who may not agree with each other. Those two are your most outspoken supporters, and I must admit (though I mean no disrespect to either of you) I tend to get a good laugh from their back and forth. again no disrespect you guys. I am glad to say that I can Identify with this group! and good luck Iz!

- Fractalbad

Ztshp I'm sorry I misspelled your name in my first comment.

- izatga88

Thanks for the comment Fractal. :)

- Fractalbad

No problem! and hopefully I wont be so shy, and be able to voice my support more in the future!

- nativedragon

Fractal i'm glad you enjoy my and Ztshp's differing view points and as long as ya don't act like a jerk i take things in good humor so there's a very low chance in me getting upset and hell if i can make someone laugh and be cheerfull i'm happy and btw to thos who have wondered about how i acts it's because while i do enjoy experimenting with hypnosis of all kinds the only thing i don't like is people demoralizing or belittling a woman or treating them like objects :I On aother note IZ how have things been going for ya? I hope your finding a balance for yourself :)

- izatga88

Too lazy to update this morning, I'll try to get something new up tomorrow ~

- xHeartx

I'm thinking you failed :P Any chance you would add a frequent update command to your loop? I'm sure you would make a lot of people happy if you did :)

- ztshp

I agree with the ever cute xheartx's last comment;)

- nativedragon

hey IZ is something wrong or are you waiting for 20 comments for you makes your next update??????

- ztshp

Now now native she's her own person don't be pushy

- xHeartx

Number 20 again! Well, it's better than saying "First"

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