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A Long Break

by jtn2010

So to the 2 people who may have noticed I dropped off the face of the earth (which one of those two will know that isn't a rare thing with me).

My room-mate came across some of my fetish stuff (at no fault of his own). I was messing with Safe Bladder Bowel loss and it was going pretty well and apparently I pooped my diaper whilst sleeping; which was very surprising, and a bit of an unexpected cleaning issue in the morning but it was abundantly clear he smelled it. (I'd wet the bed one night when my diaper leaked badly last semester).

I know people come up with excuses like I could actually need them or something so he shouldn't judge and he wasn't up front about it; but overall it made me too nervous; plus school busies and what not. (Probably undid any progress I've made so far out of fear).

Just a catch up:

I definitely won't be doing anything major (likely anything) the next few weeks while I finish this semester up since it's almost over. I'm not sure about this summer (living at my mom's house so the risk persists and obviously I can't just wait out until I'm not in my mom's life [not a good mentality]).

BUT I am making big, probably over the top, plans for next semester (mid august) as I will by living in a single dorm so I'll be less limited. *gulp*

So we'll see what happens. I'll keep the few of you informed as best I can between now and then (I'll try to at least use inductions and what not during the summer to keep me fresh)


- Plaat

yea, I only traced after roomies went to bed, and only made sure I whispered any speaking commands

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