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izatga88's Recent Entries


by izatga88

It's funny.....I worked myself to the point that I lost so much control & was scared because of it, yet now that I've worked in a way to ~always~ "have a way out" or rather, take control back if absolutely necessary, I'm not.....I guess I'm not exactly making use of it.

I mean, a fair part of all this is in my head/I want it deep down/may even be placing too much stock into it, but that doesn't change the fact that my brain is seriously frying at this pint - at a moments notice, I lose the ability to use big words, think logically, or do anything a "normal" person might be required to do as mental work without freezing up and looking like I'm clueless.

Even now, it's like my "inner self" is thinking & typing to the best of my ability, yet the.....real me(?) is giggling over how horny she is and that this doesn't make sense.....the words make me tired........it gets even harder to think & type......

I didn't notice it at first, but even my mum has started (jokingly?) calling me an airhead over the last few days.....instead of offending me as it would have in the past......I feel like giggling and "taking it" seems like the right thing to do......I know that doesn't sound right, but I can't get it out of my thoughts. On top of that, the acknowledgment triggers some of the programming to run through my mind.

It just feels so weird.....I know I have permission to stop this if I start to get uncomfortable, yet giving in to the suggestions feels so easy, and I don't mind doing it now since I know I have an "eject button" - like complying & obeying is what I was born to do. All this time, I think I've been waiting to anything permanent/serious with another person because I want things to be perfect......gosh......I find that I actually wouldn't mind even posting a topless shot of myself now if I was to ever get work done.......

I can probably start turning myself into a beautiful "artificial bimbo pornstar" towards the end of this year if I save up enough money........the thought of becoming a living sex toy is actually.....comforting I think - so long as everything is ready & perfect with my looks.


- Guuliar

Just be sure it's what you want, and try to experience things as much as possible. Just try to keep some basic skills like typing, and things really don't have to be perfect in a relationship. No relationship ever is. I'm sure even Gnaughty has some issues with his other personalities. Or her, hmm.

Don't spend so much time on prepping yourself for that moment and making sure you have everything perfect. That's the reason why you have such a strong desire to loose control. Just jump in things every once in awhile with no prep whatsoever and see where it goes. Or you'll never sedate that loss of control desire.

Too bad you got triggers preventing you from posting pics on the site eh? Could add some to the gallery ;P

- izatga88

Even more of a reason to rely on that if my resistance is down ~

- VeryGnawty

"I'm sure even Gnaughty has some issues with his other personalities." You have no idea. When VG first created Id to dominate her, they had all sorts of problems at first. VG had a lot of outlandish and not particularly safe ideas about ways she wanted to be dominated. Id was totally willing to indulge these fantasies.

- BillionSix

Wow. Glad you seem to be happy giving in. So are you implying that you are considering giving up the idea of a relationship, and embracing the life of a happy slut? Sounds fun!

- ztshp

IZ if you can be anyone's living sex toy Please Please be my lovely horny living sex toy

- zapnosis

That is beautiful Iz!

- izatga88

I should like, make totally clear that even if I'm kinda slow and super-horny or something, I can still stick with someone & stuff if I want since I'm all able to stay in control now....but it still is like, totally awesome to just feel good & be played with ~

- masterblue03

Make yourself into a wonderful bimbo work of art. Seriously; go check out something like reddit.com/r/boltedontits for inspiration :)

- nativedragon

I'm not sure about anyone else but i perfer a girl to keep her natual curves and not have anything artifical added to their body but i'm glad your happy IZ :)

- xHeartx

Perhaps a modification allowing you to post pics where you have a mask or do not include your face(the point of your rule being to protect your identity, not to prevent pics wholesale)? In any case, I think you should do a photo set for yourself at the very least as you are now. I think you will probably get off on the magnitude of the transformation later on.

- Whimsical

What about voice files? I'd love to hear you, and they're much less revealing then picture files would be (not that I'd object to you posting a pic).

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