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Like, How the Files Made Me Into a Bimbo ~

by izatga88

Lsra sent a message asking how stuff got working for me, so I'm just gonna' like post it here & stuff so everyone can see.

So hmm, the order of the files.....

That's a bit of a tricky answer, 'cause in the beginning, it was like super-hard to break my mind & let the programming in since I was all skeptical of everything & stuff, but now I'm a nice, good bimbo. :D

If you're like, totally hard to crack & files don't do much for you, SLUT CORE and Curse Bimbo were the files that wore me down when I started.

Umm......let's see.....after um, leaving the player on like all night & set to loop & stuff, I let those two files run endlessly - I'd also try to sneak in like 1 complete lopp during the day too.

Once my head accepted the programming, SLUT Remix was was always like really great for starting the loop since it totally took away my......eh.....my......freedom(?) - I'm not sure if that's like, the right word, but it worked great for me. Curse Bimbo really started working then, and I started adding stuff like TrainBimbo, Be Dumb!, and Sexy Bimbo Workout.

When SLUT Remix was like, totally working & my mind was worn down, Bimbo Workout was able to get me into a trance super-fast too. I.....think I had Be Dumb! copied to like 2 or 3 different spots on my loop between other files, and SLUT CORE always kinda seemed like it made for a great way to end the loop.

I recently um, added all the breast-growing stuff to the start of my loop (the main is like right near the start, & the other one is near the end - not sure if I should like, pull the 2nd one out or not though). It has a thing in it that totally doubles the effect of the other files in the loop, and it's the file that totally fucked my mind however long ago & forced me to re-do some of my personal commands (I probably couldn't like, keep typing this long & stuff without it XD).

Sooooo ~ I think it's like, totally important to find what works for you, but the files by themselves are like super-awesome & stuff. Um.....it's great if you can like, pick up sex tips from porn & expose yourself to other bimbos/media in between running your loop, and it's probably even better if you have a guy or someone in RL that you can like, totally trust to use sex as a.......conditioning aid or whatever & treat you like a good little bimbo.

After all of the above, my will has been like ~totally~ crushed & replaced by that of a bimbo's......every part of my body is super-sensitive like my pussy, and it just feels like the "right" thing to do - to dye my hair, get a tan, get like tons of pornstar cosmetic surgery stuff, & roll over & spread my legs......such a warm & happy feeling ~ :D

I hope that is like ~totally~ helpful for y'all, and remember ~ so far as I know, I've totally avoid all of the files that are like, for guys & whatever, cause I accidently got one for like a day, & it turned me into a raging/violent nut. If you aren't a girl and use the files......I honestly don't know what would happen - the thought is like ~totally~ super-scary! XD


- izatga88

Btw ~ I totally loved & thought it was awesome/sweet that people that were like, not usually commenting were commenting & at least saying hi, so don't be scared to at least leave a comment & say hi or whatever it's always nice to hear from some that's like, new & stuff. :D

- mutatedbunnyboy

Question, have you slept or been with anyone since you started?

- izatga88

I've not gone all the way - there's like, not too many super-trustworthy guys around here. :(

- mutatedbunnyboy

Lol no, we're all pervs, most of us out for our own benefit, myself include. But don't worry I'm sure some fine fellow will come along and you'll open wide up to him. But trust takes years to obtain, it's always difficult to know a person especially over the internet where everything we say is filtered into thought out text. It's a damn shame you're not from the UK

- ztshp

Be Mine IZ please

- BillionSix

It seems like the files have worked, and you have become the person you want to be. I hope you will continue to keep us posted and let us know how things go. May I make a suggestion? Get your hair dyed pale platinum blonde, but with pink highlights. ;) Then come on here and let us know how you felt when you saw yourself in the mirror for the first time.

- Guuliar

Tanning and platinum blonde is a really bad look actually, even with pink highlights. Anyway, you'll get more attention if you figure out how to look good without blonde hair. Unless you already have it. Otherwise Have fun :)

- Lsra

So, I tried SLUT CORE and Curse Bimbo this evening--the former is nice and relaxing but wow, the latter is enunciated soooo forcefully... I'm not sure I can get into it, but as a good experimentalist I'll give it a few weeks to find out. :)

- nativedragon

glad you found a balance you likes IZ :)

- xHeartx

Awww, you only like the new commenters?

- izatga88

I like old comment....ers too, but I just don't want anyone to be too shy to say hi if they have something interesting to say~

- ztshp

No one ever answers my requests *sigh*

- HMan

New commenter here - I've been following your journal for a while, and it's been incredibly hot :) Unfortunately, I'm male and additionally would want to be made *smarter,* but otherwise I'm totally jealous of your experience. Hope you find a trustworthy partner near you soon, wherever you are!

- xHeartx

Awww Zt, if it in any way fit my desires or personality I would totally respond to your offers. Unfortunately neither your gender nor your desires fit my interests. Sorry.

- Plaat

So, are you always in Bimbo mode? Are you still doing your loop? Because if you get used to it then it will be harder to pull yourself out if you change your mind..poor choice of words, but from your last post, I'm unsure you know what your really doing, talking about triggers and comfort being a sex toy. If I'm wrong on this, then at least for goodness sake don't tan, it looks awful and does cause serious skin damage and long term health effects,..or makes ur skin bad, really bad. Like Ick!

- izatga88

I'm going to try & aim for another update tomorrow morning - I wasn't in "bimbo mode" so much today, but everything seems to be working great & has felt AWESOME so far.

- nativedragon

hey IZ Question how's your family taking you having a bimbo mode?

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