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izatga88's Recent Entries

Ugh....one of ~those~ mornings

by izatga88

I had to be up at like some ungodly hour to ship something off to a client this morning, and now I feel like a zombie......& still have to get along cleaning myself up & move on with my day.....15 minutes left.....

My tits are totally driving me out of my mind. I don't know what I was dreaming about, but I got out of bead feeling like my chest was part of the latest attraction at some brothel, am I'm like all totally horny.......I've completely soaked my panties, yet I couldn't get an orgasm out of myslef......I think I might be like.....too tired.

Anyways, reality started totally sinking in last night that I've turned myself into some totally horny bimbo-dlut - I used to like always go out of my way to be helpful anf caring for other people, but I've been so busy orasming....? that I've turned into something that's all about sex & cocks and looking sexy & working & looking for a good guy........and yet, I'm like, totally okay with that. I can't even remeber a point in like the last so-many months that I wasn't thinking of something other than sex......hell, I wouldn't mind some right now.....4 minutes.....

But yeah, since I've been being aski...um....asked, how would yuo likem expect ~your~ family to react to you suddenly being all totally un....cordinated, forgetting things, and blanking out mid-sentance when talking & stuff? They've been poking fun at me, getting......frustrated too I guess that I'm like....supoosedly able to do something, but it's all like, hard & stuff now for some reason.

Anyways, almost forget the "BR" tags again.....hope ya'll have a better day than I probably will ~


- Whimsical

Iz, you get hotter and hotter with every update.

- ztshp

1) whim she's mine so shoo and 2) IZ I am starting to think that this bimbo thing has went on for long enough, I am sure people miss the old you too, it isn't right for you to ruin your job and life for a goal.....that's what addicts do... I'm sorry it's early in the morning

- Davidki

You keep saying you want a good guy, but you might want to describe what a good guy is. What all are you truly looking for in a man and eventual boyfriend.

- mutatedbunnyboy

Funsiies, maybe you need a cock to cum? Stick a vibrating egg up there, it will keep you happy all day.

- xHeartx

So how did your day end up?

- Guuliar

Wow, that's from Ztshp. A full 180 is great once in awhile, but staying there is like staying in fantasy land. Even the biggest nerds leave their created worlds once in awhile. If it's affecting family ties is it really the best thing? What would the old Iz think about where you are now?

I mean yeah, your hot, pleasing, pleasurable, sexy, and probably one of the most interesting sluts I know of. Still if Ztshp is starting to think its enough, who's whole fetish is loss of control, do you think you can keep a boyfriend like you originally wanted? Maybe find a good midpoint?

- Plaat

Second: Iz, you said before you can get out of it at will, Have you tried? Think hard about you from last year, remember and some of her can come back. As fun and sexy your posts are, a life shouldn't be a living porno, switch the bimbo off for a time!

- nativedragon

i'm with ZT on this IZ please stop your experiment and maybe use a deprogram all file I and others want the old IZ back

- ztshp

See it was in your programing that if you were told to stop you would On no uncertain terms Stop So Stop or you will become a burden on everyone around you and most people don't need that

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