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izatga88's Recent Entries

Insert Title Here (update 1 of 2)

by izatga88

I can't really think up anything good to put up there....anyways, I've been toning down (blah, the words are spinning) the sexy these last few days. I've been having some issues with my current house, and may even be forced to move into a new one - it's nothing major, just one of those unfortunate facts of life.

I noticed.....I've been getting a lot of......"interesting" comments regarding my programming....

I might (be unable to type PROPERLY DAMMIT!) not be as quick to jump on intellectual things as I used to, but I wouldn't dare rid myself of the positive effects all this has had on my personality (and body for that matter). When I think about um.....I just lost it.....uh....

My friend & her boyfriend got a couch and it happens to have a vibrate function on it (like a massage chair). I wound up figuring out over the weekend that with the state I'm in......sitting in something vibrating like that turns me into a helpless slut. XD

My tits have gotten so sensitive too now that between them & my pussy, it's gotten VERY hard to orgasm since I start feeling like the pleasure is too much & I'll pass out from it. I kinda wouldn't mind having someone to just hold me down and do it ~to~ me since it's so hard to push myself to the end alone.

Anyways, I've got more stuff to post once I remember all of it, so I'll try to get it added either this evening or tomorrow morning......soooo much editing - it's hard to type all of this.


- ztshp

GOD Damn it stop the programing get your brains back at least

- Guuliar

Water has positive effects on you too, but too much can kill you by knocking off your electrolyte balance and causing your brain to swell kill itself. Find balance. At least that's from our understanding.

- izatga88

New update! I dunoo.....I'm kinda happy with whatever balance I have right now.....

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