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Hypnosis Journal - Canine Adventures No. 4

by AllyBunny

So I know I haven't been writing in quite a while, mostly due to lack of progression. I seem to be remaining in my previous state. The dreams persist, but my mind has started to recover (at least that's what it seems like. :/), and I believe whatever is permanent has been determined. I should also let you guys know that I've also gotten a puppy of my own, separate from my hypnosis experiments. He's a yellow lab, and I feel almost a motherly instinct towards him, which may or may not be related to my hypnotism. I bark every now and then while I play with him, and and though I tell my dad its just because I am teasing him, it's much more than that. I feel as though barking with him is natural, as if there's completely nothing wrong with it. now aside from everything else, I have reached a bit of a snag in my experimentation, as my puppy AJ has completely destroyed my headphones and I don't have any spares. I will therefore be unable to continue until I get new ones. I've already started trying to get them, but no luck so far. I don't know how long I will have to wait.


- chromowolf

I'm very interested with your story. I think it's neat how you are able to get to such a point. With that said, it's good and healthy to take a break every once in a while. It helps you get out of the zombie-like state that you can et into when you listen to files too much/too long. Don't rush finding headphones because you want to listen to the file, get them to enjoy music or something. Maybe even wait to get them for a while. It'll help you feel "clean" in the end. :)

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