arcanecandycane's Recent EntriesConversionby arcanecandycaneGave TTJ1 and 2 a go a while ago. Definitely felt the changes. During the thing I was thinking about. Things. Y'know. Like idle thoughts and what not. However as the file went along I started to think about sporty things. Playing basketball in a nearby court, flexing in the mirror, having sex, etc. Definitely felt it in my head. After that yeah it felt AMAZING. Foggy, blissful, and yeah amazing. I wanted to jack off right away, but I thought I'd go further and listen to TTJ2 right after. During TTJ2 I was already in that foggy jock mindset. I was thinking to myself "Dude what are you doing?" and something in me was fighting it, replying like "STFU IM A JOCK BITCH." It works for me, as far as I'm concerned. It worked. During TTJ2 I didn't even have the attention span to make it through the whole file. Halfway through I was like "WTF I already know this shit I'm a fucking jock now" and yeah. Watched some ESPN, Star Sports, then masturbated. Right after the orgasm I flashed back to normal. Aware of what had happened I collected my thoughts. It felt so wonderful. And, probably the right word for it is primal. I literally only thought about sports and sex throughout the whole thing, and that's what I got. I watch sports and had sex. I felt very laid back too, like just in that bizarre peaceful state. It felt good, but my common sense was always there. I knew this wouldn't last long, and I need my intellect. My mind is my selling point. It's my edge over a lot of people, along with my creativity, and it didn't feel right that I was giving in to the people who used to torment me in the past. I didn't fight my demons, I was offering myself up like a willing sacrifice. It felt strangely wrong and yet I would like to go back, only fearing the results could be damaging. It's my pride. My pride is stronger than my need to change. I'm thinking of chopping some of the jock files in order to gain only the safer results. For now I think I'll try the file out again tomorrow. One thing's for sure it's a powerful file. It only made me wonder, what would've happened if I didn't have an orgasm? What if I didn't have that reboot? Would I have stayed a jock all day long? Powerful stuff, man. To anyone using these files, I hope you do know what you're doing and you know what you want. As for latter aftereffects, well I'm alright, I guess. Still sane. Although I seem to notice updates regarding the NBA playoffs on Facebook more often now. Is it the file kicking in my subconscious? Who knows. Let's see.