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Hi, I'm ******, I'm a Bimbo ~

by izatga88

Me when feeling good:
"Gawd, cock would be like, so yummy now.....Oh! Hi.....what was that again....?"

Me when ill:
"Ugh....don't feel good.....this person talking at me isn't making it better..... Sex might feel good though too....

I can't really ignore it one way or the other.....my body is (has been for like quite some time now) rewritten and modified for sex/pleasure, and everything I do is in some way kinda realated to getting more of it & stuff...

I dunno if I'd have done it anyways, but I botched a work order & lost myself like $100....it really caught me by surprise. Working is going to be getting....a bit harder this month....I might really need to try and work or even out some of my programming soon.....my family has even been a bit more "snappy" about my condition, as it's gotten rather obvious.....

Anyways, I love hearing from ya'll and getting PMs, but try not to like......flame each other...... I'm gonna call it a night now.....maybe run my loop ~ soooooo tired right now! =_=


- izatga88

mmm.....I had like, a really nice listen to my loop last night. It's reeeeally crzy.....the second I hear Hellion0 or EMG's voice, my pussy starts doing like a song & dance or vibrating to them or something.....I used to catch myself being so defensive while the files were talking, but now I can hardly even notice that anything is beeing said at all.....I just let it wash over me ~

There's a spot or two in some of the files that suggest smiling....and I find that I kinda tend to smile at those parts now automatically......even moments before the suggestion comes.....no control over it.

- starchildskiss78

So sorry about the mishap at work! I think it is interesting that your body and mind are on autopilot at times. It is a shame others cannot accept you for who you are....people change their hair colors...so why not their minds?

- nativedragon

i accepts her for who she is i just wish she wasn't on bimbo autopilot at work or interacting with friends and family

- starchildskiss78

I certainly didn't mean you, nativedragon. I think anything she is happy with I am happy with.

- izatga88

I actually had an awesome day today, hopefully the weekend will be all nice & totally relaxing too.

Even though I really can't remember like, how I was feeling before I did this to myself, I'm totally happy with the results & I just kinda have to put up with & work out the negatives is all....

For those that are wondering & stuff, I've not bee n going out of my way for sex is 1) pleasuring myself is still great, 2) I don't wanna like end up in someone's basement, 3) I'm TOTALLY terrified of STDs, & 4) I'm pretty sure that like, as soon as I hand the sexual control to someone else, my ability to function like a normal person might be comply converted to something like a total sex-doll.....so I'm not too sure if I need that like right this second.....

- izatga88

.....though the more I think about it, I'm going at a rate where I might just not care about that stuff around like....maybe this time next year or something?

- Whimsical

Hey Iz, you ever think about adding some of the bi files to your loop? A good bimbo should enjoy both boys and girls, after all. ;)

- Guuliar

I kind of had the same thing happen to me at work too. $93.94 was supposed to be in the register and it wasn't. I don't know if someone took it, if I had made a counting mistake or what, but it wasn't there the next morning. I agree, bi files would always be fun. Pleasure and love is good no matter where you find it. Also, you should always care about STD's. There are some things your brain just wont break down against.

- zapnosis

There are suggestions of bisexuality in the SLUT files, but I don't know how effective they are...

- izatga88

There's been....quite a bit of chatter about the "bi" thing coming my way this week - I'm kinda not sure how much I've said about it before, but it seems like my desire to toss myself naked into an orgy of guys drowns out a lot of that "footnote in the SLUT files. I've caught myself once or twice thinking "Wow, it would be totally awesome to nibble on her clit + other slutty things".......and that's usually followed quickly by "Wait......what......?"

- Guuliar

Well, maybe you should explore that side of yourself. It wouldn't come up if it wasn't there already and it's a pretty awesome side.

Anyway I've noticed something interested. You've gone for all the sexual pleasure and you've opened up your mind, and lowered your IQ, yet you still have yet to talk about a bf or even having sex with someone. Or maybe you did once. Has the programming done all this, change your thoughts, your senses, and your personality even and still managed to leave you at square one? O.o

It's a good argument to look into bi files ^_^ jk

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