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arcanecandycane's Recent Entries

New Directions

by arcanecandycane

lolz no dis isnt about glee dats 4 fagz yo. Lolz. Just kidding. I've decided that I'm gonna try out the jock files once more, but in a new direction. I'll take out the aspects that dumb me down. TTJ4 IMO's different from TTJ1,2, and 3. See, I want the sports addiction and confidence. I've got the bodybuilding part down. I've disciplined myself to work my ass out in the gym religiously. Plus I want to be a stocky kind of jock. Like a powerlifter. That's the kind of body I want. I suffer from BDD, you see. Body Dysmorphic Disorder, specifically muscle dysmorphia, which also serves as my motivation in the gym. I tend to feel small around other guys, even though I've already made some progress in the gym. So yeah. I want size. At the same time I want to learn how to be more comfortable in my own skin. Y'know. That arrogant confidence you find in jocks. But not the dumbing down aspect. See, jocks in my school, their degrees are in more business-related fields. Management, Economics, etc. I think that's also why it's kind'f hard for me to see a jock as someone who's dumb, because most jocks I know are just as hardworking and studious as us normal kids, and they have their athletics to top that off. So yeah. Maybe the dumb jock stereotype isn't very accurate where I come from. Gonna start chopping and splicing the files tomorrow.


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