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izatga88's Recent Entries

Computer Go Boom

by izatga88

Hi again everyone, sorry for the wait. My pc died on me a day or two after my last comment was posted. This last month has been total hell....the fact that I've made the effort to get my mobile working off of wifi to log onto the site here scarily proves how strong my urge to get on here is. Another hardware failure aside, I will make ABSOLUTELY sure to NEVER leave you all hanging and randomly stop posting. I'd be lost without my log of the last half-year, and the sexual frustration has been building since I've been cut off from the site.

So....lots to cover....thanks for the PMs & concern. Typing is a PITA now on this tiny keypad, and as messed up as it is to admit, I'm still "too dumb" from everything to figure out how to fix my computer. I've actually got something close to 90% of my mind back, but the programming still lingers.

I'll try to have my full month posted by the end of the next 48 hours, so keep an eye on my journal for an incoming flood of updates & edits as I try to get everything together on my end.


- xHeartx

Welcome back, glad to see you :)

- mutatedbunnyboy

Hey there Iz :)

- zapnosis

Welcome back Iz, good to see you again!

- izatga88

Thanks, glad to see there's still people around!

- Route42

I havent't commented on your entries before, but as a loyal reader I welcome you back enthusiastically!

- nativedragon

been awhile since i've loged on myself so welcome back IZ glad to have you back with us :)

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